Blessed are the pure in heart

Blessed are the pure in heart

Last Sunday was also Low Sunday, the Sunday after Easter and in early Christian times it marked the end of the ceremonies surrounding Easter baptisms. Our minister, the Rev’d Mark Lawrence, referred to Low Sunday in his opening call to worship, the theme of which was...
Past, Present and Future – the message from Palm Sunday

Past, Present and Future – the message from Palm Sunday

On Palm Sunday our morning’s worship was led by Mrs Carolyn Lawrence and it was our privilege to welcome Carolyn to our pulpit, as steward Bunty Hodgkins read a verse describing Jesus’s entry into Jerusalem, extended a word of welcome and read out a ‘thank you ‘card...
A price worth paying and a prize worth winning

A price worth paying and a prize worth winning

On the fifth Sunday in Lent and Passion Sunday we were privileged to have Mr Mark Savill lead our morning’s worship. Mark was given a warm welcome and the service started  with some words from Isaiah 53, relating to the suffering of Jesus, captured, and whipped by the...